Monday, 2 June 2014

The Three Jewels: Dwelling in the refuge

Refuge is a shelter. Like our home. Our home is a shelter for body and belongings. We feel safe at home and we can relax. To protect herself from the many sufferings and challenges of countless rebirths, the Vijñaptimātrin seeks refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.

The Buddha is the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha is also the Guru-Buddha, for me Thich Nhat Hanh and the Buddha also refers to the Buddha within. Dharma is great compassion, understanding and love. Sangha is the manifestation of these qualities.

Siddhartha Gautama was born 2500 years ago. He was the Prince of Kapilavastu (now Kausambi) in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. He left his home to seek the way out of suffering for all sentient beings. He was successful and he shared the insight he acquired with us.

When we suffer we call out to the Buddhas (awakened beings) and a Buddha appears in the form of a Guru (teacher). We learn the Dharma from our Guru-Buddha.

According to Vijñaptimātra philosophy everything is a manifestation. Nothing is born nor created, nothing dies nor can anything be destroyed. A Buddha too is a manifestation. When conditions are right the Buddha-nature manifests as a Buddha. The Buddha-nature is present in all of us. So the Vijñaptimātrins seek refuge in the Buddha within.

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, "I entrust myself to the Buddha, Buddha entrusts herself to me." This means that not only are we taking refuge in Buddha, but Buddha too is taking refuge in us. We are sheltering the Buddha within. It is a Vijñaptimātrin's greatest responsibility. We are entrusted with the task of providing the right conditions to the Buddha within, so we can manifest as Buddha.

In order to be able to successfully provide the conditions necessary to allow ourselves to manifest as Buddhas we learn and practice the five mindfulness and fourteen mindfulness trainings. This is very very important. If we practice mindful consumption, we improve the conditions, the Buddha nature becomes stronger. A Buddha is the Buddha-nature at its highest level. If we consume alcohol, cigarettes, non-vegetarian food, enjoy violence etc. the Buddha-nature within us weakens. If we act violently, steal, engage in slanderous and divisive speech and engage in illicit sexual behavior or cheat on our partners, the Buddha-nature weakens.

The mindfulness trainings must be meditated upon to fully understand their meaning. If we take something from someone that does not rightfully belong to us then we are creating the ground for suffering to manifest. If animals are killed or used as resources to produce or obtain certain products and if we are consuming such products, then we are weakening the Buddha-nature within us. Great are the sufferings of all sentient beings. Animals are slaughtered, skinned alive or have to spend their lives in slavery so leather, fur, cow's milk etc. can be produced. If we consume such products, we are not promoting true happiness, neither are we displaying reverence for life nor are we consuming mindfully. We kill insects, bugs everyday. We consume food which may have been grown in farms that use pesticides. Manifesting as a Buddha is not so easy.

Facing such obstacles we call out to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for help. Hearing our call, the Guru-Buddha comes to our rescue. The Sangha comes to our rescue. Over a period of time, conditions are created with their help so we can manifest as a Buddha. Perfect understanding, boundless compassion and true love will manifest all around us. How wonderful will that be!

"I take refuge in the Buddha,
the one who shows me the way in this life.
I take refuge in the Dharma,
the way of understanding and of love.
I take refuge in the Sangha,
the community that lives in harmony and awareness.

Dwelling in the refuge of Buddha,
I clearly see the path of light and beauty in the world.
Dwelling in the refuge of Dharma,
I learn to open many doors on the path of transformation.
Dwelling in the refuge of Sangha,
shining light that supports me, keeping my practice free of obstruction.

Taking refuge in the Buddha in myself,
I aspire to help all people recognize their own awakened nature,
realizing the Mind of Love.
Taking refuge in the Dharma in myself,
I aspire to help all people fully master the ways of practice
and walk together on the path of liberation.
Taking refuge in the Sangha in myself,
I aspire to help all people build Fourfold Communities,
to embrace all beings and support their transformation."
(Poetry by Thich Nhat Hanh)

#विज्ञप्तिमात्र #Vijñaptimātra #VijñaptimatraBuddhism #ThichNhatHanh #Vasubandhu #Asanga #Yogacāra #Yogacara #ManifestationOnly #Vigyaptimatra #Xuanzang #India #Linji #Rinzai #Zen #Bodhidharma #Hinduism #Buddhism #Buddha #Mahayana  #Prajñapāramitā #Vijnaptimatra #IndianBuddhism #IndianPhilosophy #UttarPradesh

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