Friday, 26 September 2014

Incline your mind towards kindness

What is Veganism?

Veganism is the practice of respecting the right of all sentient beings to be free. Vegans practice living in a manner that they do not end up using other sentient beings as resources like food or slaves and avoid exploiting their body and mind.

Thus, vegans do not consume milk or meat or butter or cheese or eggs. They do not use leather or animal-tested cosmetics or anything that comes from an animal or that might have jeopardized an animal's welfare, health or freedom. They practice living in this manner to the extent possible.

When we practice veganism we are promoting compassion and freedom, which are necessary conditions for happiness.

Why do we eat plant based food?

We eat food that comes from plants like potatoes, rice, wheat, fruits etc. because these vegetables and fruits do not have a central nervous system which is needed to experience pain and joy. Plants are living and conscious but do not have a central nervous system either. Eating a leaf or a fruit or a seed does not cause pain to the plant. Animals have a central nervous system and can experience pain. Plant based food is also healthier.

Why do we not consume animal milk?

Animals, like cows, produce milk after childbirth. It is meant for the calf. However, these days cows are viewed as a milk producing resource. They are repeatedly impregnated, so they give birth and produce milk. The calf is separated from the mother cow and her milk is stolen by humans and the dairy industry. The mother cow bellows in pain for days and loses her faith in humanity.

Why do we not use leather and other animal derived products?

Leather, wool, silk etc. come from animals. When animals are killed or enslaved by the modern economy, they suffer just like we do. We do not wish to promote suffering. We believe that all beings have a right to be free. They should not be used as resources. They don't have to die so we can get a silk saree or a leather handbag. The true sign of a beautiful woman is compassion, not her saree or handbag.

Are there alternatives to animal derived products?

Yes, we easily get soya milk in the stores. We can also easily prepare cashew milk and almond milk ourselves. We can easily find tofu paneer in the stores. We can use leather alternatives like micro-leather and similarly alternatives to wool and silk are easily available. An American company Beyond Meat sells plant based products that taste just like real meat. Replace ghee with healthier alternatives like olive oil or canola oil. Use peanut butter instead of animal derived butter.

(The author, Saurabh Singh, is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh.)

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