Thursday, 27 February 2014

Designing your campaign to win justice for Ocwen-Altisource victims

Many have been hurt by Ocwen and Altisource. People who have lost their homes - families, single moms, children, senior citizens. Realtors have been hurt. Vendors, buyers, employees.... the list goes on. Those who are blinded by greed deny others what is rightfully theirs. If more money can be made by paying employees poorly, then why not? If more money can be made by squeezing something out of a poor realtor's commission, why not? That is how they think - those who are driven by greed. They snatch from others what does not belong to them - homes, ideas, intellectual wealth, customers... This is theft. This is a crime. It promotes social inequality. Victims experience sorrow and despair and many loose their faith in natural justice.

The victims of Ocwen-Altisource have thus far obtained little success. Most have given up. Some think they are too small to make a difference. Some think that no one will help them. Some just have to give up because it isn't financially feasible to fight Ocwen-Altisource.

Must we then give up? Should we not help our sisters who are on the verge of being forced out of their homes? Those very realtor friends who stood by us, recommended us, helped us in many ways now face a future of uncertainty as Altisource craft strategies to snatch their inventory. Move over Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock Holmes will now live in an Altisource rental home! Perhaps plans are in place to remake "The Apartment", with Baxter now living in an Altisource rental home! They have money, staff, attorneys, PR firms... what do we have?

We have the five powers. Faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and understanding. Using these we can help others and ourselves.

Are you too small to make a difference? "If you think you are too small to make difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." A small mosquito can cause a lot of trouble, even malaria. Have faith in your abilities.

When contacting regulatory authorities, attorney generals, congressmen etc. you will need to keep in mind that they are not Realtors or employees of Altisource. You may need to simplify Ocwen-Altisource's complex business structure and explain how it is designed to promote foreclosures. And you will have to do this repeatedly. Does your congressman know much about OMAT 1 REO Holdings or Blue Valley Apartments or HLSS or NewSource? Possibly not. Ocwen-Altisource have designed a business structure that can confuse even very experienced analysts. Government officials are busy people who may not know much about loan servicing and Ocwen and Altisource.

You may use information available here:

And here:

We will need to create awareness about Ocwen-Altisource among lawmakers, regulators, media-men and people in general. If you wish to help, spend 30 minutes in a day writing to people who matter in your state or to people at CFPB or DFS or media-men explaining how you have been hurt by Ocwen-Altisource's predatory practices. Explain how this will hurt your community. You will need energy. It comes from faith.

In India, if you submit rent receipts and proof showing investment in certain types of financial instruments, you can save on the amount of tax you are required to pay. I have never done that believing that the more tax we pay, the more we strengthen our nation. My friends at Altisource group of companies remind me that they are headquartered in Luxembourg and US Virgin Islands so they can save on taxes! They certainly don't think like me.

Please do spend some time to help heal the wounds people have suffered at the hands of Ocwen-Altisource and help prevent others from experiencing the same fate. If we are mindful, we can make a lot of difference. Concentration will develop. With concentration, understanding will develop. Looking deeply we will know all there is to know. To be free. To be happy and to make others happy.

(The author, Saurabh Singh, is a student of the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a Foreclosure Prevention Activist and a vegan. He is also a member of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals(India), Consumer Advocates in American Real Estate, UNITES Professionals and supports various charitable causes and crowdfunding.)

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