Friday, 10 October 2014

Celebrating Continuation Day - October 11

We are in each other. You are in me and I am in you. It has always been like this. There never was a beginning, and never will there be an end. This is something that will not change. Together, we will ride the tides of birth and death joyfully, knowing that we can never part. On the 11th day of October we complete one more year of continued existence.

What is Continuation Day?

Nothing is born and nothing dies. We only continue to exist. You may find a date of birth on your birth certificate but you existed on the previous day as well and the day before. You were in your mother's womb. In fact, there never was a time when you did not exist, and there never will be a time when you will not exist. Since we are never born, there is a continuity with no beginning and no end. Each day we continue to exist. Each day is a continuation day. Since, Thich Nhat Hanh observed this and shared his observation with us, we call his 'birthday', October 11, 'Continuation Day'.

A Cloud Never Dies

A cloud is never born and it never dies. It is never created and it cannot be annihilated. A cloud transforms into water, ice and steam and back. It never becomes nothing. Ask a cloud when is its birthday and it will tell you that it was never born. And, it will never die. It is the same for everything.


Vijñaptimātra (pronounced Vig-yup-ti-maatr) is a Sanskrit word which has two meanings - 'Manifestation Only' and 'Perception Only'. We always manifest in some or other form. When conditions are right, we can perceive each other. As humans we have cultivated the habit of perceiving through our five senses. So we think something exists when we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste an object. All our experiences are vijñaptimātra (perception-only). All existence is vijñaptimātra (manifestation-only).

Who is Thich Nhat Hanh?

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddha. A Buddha is one who is aware of what is happening around him. He has awakened to reality and knows that all conditions for happiness are present, always.

When do we suffer?

We suffer when we are separated from our loved ones or from conditions that can make us happy. If we want something and we don't have it, we suffer.

Why do we suffer?

As humans and animals we suffer due to ignorance. All of existence is vijñaptimātra (manifestation-only) and all our experiences are vijñaptimātra (perception-only). Our idea of reality is like a magician's illusion created by our mind with inputs from the five senses. We are caught in concepts like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. All these concepts arise due to the way our mind interprets the inputs received from the five senses. Unfortunately we are never satisfied. Marrying a 3D projection is not the same as marrying a real person. A 3D projection stops manifesting when the projector is switched off or when we take off our glasses. It is a conditioned manifestation. Unmindful of the unconditioned nature of reality we are caught in a conditioned existence.

Is it possible to end all sufferings?

It is possible to touch reality even through our five senses. For example, the five senses can perceive the cloud and can see and feel that there is no birth and death but the mind has got into a habit of interpreting things in a different manner so we think that there is birth and death and do not recognize the rain as a continuation of the cloud. It is possible that by cultivating mindfulness we can transform these deep rooted habits and end all our sufferings.

How do we end all sufferings?

First two steps that make transformation easy are openness and letting go. Openness to let unconditioned reality manifest and letting go is to let go of concepts that we have acquired like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. Concepts like these arise due to the mind misinterpreting the feed from the five senses. It is based on discrimination and causes suffering. Through mindfulness we can transform the mind's habits and eliminate all sufferings.

I am in you, you are in me

We perceive that a cloud, the sun, the soil, a mango tree are separate from each other and we act accordingly. However, that is not really the case. The mango seed transforms into a mango tree when rain, sunlight, suitable soil are present. The mango tree is a continuation of the sun, cloud, the soil and the mango seed. The sun, the soil, the cloud, the mango seed are in the mango tree. In the same manner, everything is in everything else. The universe is as much in an atom as an atom is in their universe. And just like that, I am in you and you are in me. We don't perceive this because we subscribe to a concept of what is you and what is me.

What are mindfulness trainings?

Mindfulness trainings are designed to help develop concentration which leads to the development of insight which liberates. The #5Mindfulness and #14Mindfulness trainings help transform habits that strengthen wrong perceptions and cause suffering.

How do we progress on the path?

The #5Mindfulness trainings and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh help us progress on the path. If we don't practice the #5Mindfulness trainings we can easily be mislead. The Five Mindfulness trainings protect us. Let me give you some examples. If someone tells you that you can obtain great powers by sacrificing an animal to a certain God, you may end up doing so unless you have understood and are practicing the Five Mindfulness trainings which includes veganism. Some may say you can be happy by consuming alcohol and you may end up becoming an alcoholic. Someone may say money can buy happiness and you may be tempted to exploit others. You may say things that cause your loved ones to be sad and they may distance themselves from you. Not understanding how commitment nourishes love, you may lose the person you love. However, when we practice the Five Mindfulness trainings, they protect us from such threats that are caused by greed, anger, jealousy, insecurity etc. Never let go of the five mindfulness trainings until you are enlightened.

Today is a great day to begin

Why not practice the Five Mindfulness trainings for one day, today, to begin with?

The first mindfulness training is reverence for life. You can practice this very easily. Just don't engage in or promote violence and do not consume meat. Protect life. Be mindful in your actions so you can help prevent starvation and deaths from unnatural causes.

The second mindfulness training is to practice true happiness. You can do this by not exploiting humans, animals and natural resources. Don't cheat or steal or evade taxes, don't consume or promote what comes from animals (like milk, leather, fur, wool etc.). Do not look to profit from others' miseries. Share what you have with others. This mindfulness training battles greed and strengthens generosity and compassion.

The third mindfulness training is to practice true love. True love is based on commitment and understanding. Understanding that we are in each other, we can truly love each other. This understanding strengthens the love in us. We are able to love all humans, animals and nature. Then we stop hurting others. We no longer give in to malicious intent. We do not abandon our loved ones, humans, animals etc. for the sake of power or wealth.

The fourth mindfulness training is to practice mindful communication. Mindful communication brings hope to others and ourselves. We must communicate in a manner that does not cause separation or strengthen wrong concepts like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. This training helps us remove hurt and discrimination.

The fifth mindfulness training is mindful consumption. We must not consume what is harmful to our mind, body, other living beings and nature. This includes food, drinks, communication, data etc. Don't smoke or consume alcohol or material that is not in accordance with the five mindfulness trainings. For example, do not follow texts or teachings that suggest men are superior to women, that some country is superior to another country, that humans are superior to animals, that one religion is superior to another etc. Such data strengthens discriminatory forces and habits that go along with those forces.

We must keep in mind that the decisions we make are largely due to circumstances. A baby has little choice as to what food is forced into her mouth. A child has little choice as to what language he will learn or which school he will study in.

What motivates someone to practice mindfulness?

When we have truly loved, we are no longer willing to surrender to the forces of conditioned existence. People can become monks and practice mindfulness as a part of their monastic curriculum. People may practice veganism thinking it is a higher moral ground or something that will make them appear compassionate. People may practice mindfulness for a better health or success at work. There may be many reasons that may motivate one to practice the five mindfulness trainings but none are stronger and more unwavering than love. All the other motivations will fall prey to obstacles that arise on the path sooner or later, only those driven by love will find their way to liberation. So bring to mind the people you love and strengthen the resolve to never part with them. That in turn strengthens the resolve to practice the mindfulness trainings and helps us progress on the path.

Begin today! Happy Continuation Day!

(The author, Saurabh Singh, is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh.)

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #विज्ञप्तिमात्र #HowToEat #Veganism #Vijñaptimātra #TrueLove #MindfulConsumption #Reverence4Life #TrueHappiness #MindfulCommunication #HappyContinuation

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