Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Demand an Attorney General who will jail the bankers!

Please follow the link and ask President Obama to appoint an Attorney General who will jail bankers!

Please fill in your details, select Justice Department and copy paste the below mentioned text on to the comment box:

"Honorable President Obama,

I am requesting you to appoint an Attorney General who is willing and able to jail bankers and foreclosure kingpins like William Erbey, Ronald Faris and William Shepro.

Banks and lenders carried through fraud to every level of the mortgage process. They committed origination fraud through faulty appraisals and undisclosed trickery.

They committed servicing fraud through illegal fees and unnecessary foreclosures.

They committed securities fraud by failing to inform investors of the poor underwriting on loans they packaged into securities.

They committed mass document fraud when they failed to follow the steps to create mortgage-backed securities, covering up with fabrications and forgeries to prove the standing to foreclose.

Justice has not been served yet. Over five million victims are waiting to see bankers and loan servicers in prison."

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