Sunday, 12 October 2014

Elizabeth Warren For President 2016

Who Will Make A Good President?

2500 years ago, sitting under the shade of a tree in the beautiful Bamboo Forest, Buddha told King Bimbisara, "When the leader of a state possesses enough understanding and love, she sees the truth about poverty, misery, and oppression. Such a person can find the means to reform the government in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor and cease the use of force against others." According to the Buddha, good leaders follow the path of virtue.

What Causes A Community To Suffer

Scarcity and discrimination cause communities to suffer. When discrimination exists based on gender, race, religion, beliefs, preferences, nationality, physical attributes etc., people suffer. When there are economic and social disparities, people suffer. If food or other necessities are scarce, people suffer. Experience of scarcity and discrimination leads to crimes and violence.

How We Become Slaves To An Economy That Exploits

Habits come from perceptions. We inherit some perceptions from family, some from friends, some are a result of experiences, some come from society, media, government etc. Corporations have helped people nurture many bad habits. They communicate with the intent to increase consumption, while in reality moderation is the better option. When we become slaves, we become helpless. By the time students graduate, they are already in debt and are willing to participate in an economy that exploits their fellow citizens to repay the education loan. Then, they borrow even more. The lender ultimately decides what happens to an "asset". People are just living a life of slavery, their future is determined by the financial system.

The Super Rich Are Protected

Let me give you an example. Ocwen's Chairman William Erbey has been around since the '80s. He has built an empire that cheats the government, makes people homeless, exploits employees, moves real estate inventory from individuals and families to investors, manipulates real estate prices and rent, reduces employment opportunities in the real estate industry by directing business towards their own real estate agency and title company and thus actively contributes to an economy of exploitation.
His friends, Orin Kramer and Wilbur Ross are major contributors to the Democratic Party. His friend Leon Cooperman funds the GOP. Austan Goolsbee, when he was chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, himself met Erbey and asked him to deliver a speech on housing at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights to discuss "the dynamics in the housing market -- what it's going to look like and how challenging it is." Eric Holder won't prosecute bankers because he has worked for them in the past and hopes to work for them again.

How To Create A Happy Nation

We must cultivate good habits - reverence for life, true happiness, true love, mindful communication and mindful consumption. It is easier if conditions are conducive. Corporations are always trying to lure or pressure us into cultivating bad habits. Corporations need to be regulated at many different levels to ensure that they are not fuelling greed and creating sufferings that arise due to addiction to material goods and consumption. Education system will need to transform completely. The focus should be on learning only that much that we can remember for a long time. Focus should be on practicing mindfulness so we can deal with anger, greed, jealousy, insecurities and other negative mental formations which cause suffering. If corporations want a different kind of an education to be imparted why shouldn't they pay for it?

Elizabeth Warren For President

We need leaders across the globe who aren't 'conditioned'. Leaders who will not give in to greed or aversion. Who will be mindful enough to see how one thing impacts another. Leaders of states who are willing to initiate changes that will ultimately transform greed and helplessness into love and hope. That leadership can only come from those who have already understood how the economy is exploiting humans, animals and nature.

This is why Elizabeth Warren should be President!

(I have emailed her through her senate webpage and suggest that others too email her requesting her to take up the challenge of bringing about real transformation in society by running for President.)

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