Monday, 17 November 2014

A Song For Thich Nhat Hanh (from The Huffington Post)

FOR MY beloved teacher, Thích Nhất Hạnh, who is battling from a massive brain hemorrhage, I bow deeply in gratitude and profound love. Please recover and lead us again to the heart of compassion and light.

Thay was the first few spiritual teacher who came to us after 9/11 during our time of great despair and sorrow and he told me that like two palms of a single person, one should not strike the other hand out of anger even as that hand had hurt us. And then he lead us in a meditation of songs, breathing in and breathing out... Now, my beloved teacher, it is our term to come to you in your time of danger, fighting for your life. Please breathe and let the light of love enter your heart, your brain and dispelling all shadows from your body. You who has carried so much sadness and burden of humanity's atrocity, please take care yourself and come back. We still sorely need you. And I know what you would have done, using even this to teach us about non-attachment. But even the Buddha's half-brother, Ananda had beseech the Buddha to stay in the earth for a few more years. So, I apologize for my un-enlighten clingingness, for unlike you, my teacher, I am a mere mortal, a turtle in the mud.

For my beloved teacher, Thay,

In an old bamboo grotto, I come upon an old friend standing still
and I pose him a question
and he whispers
Fish are sleeping in the dark spring
so I waited

it is a question about the moon
about my breath
my mouth my heart
my love the earth with its four seasons
my feet where I stand and the soft moss beneath
where my life will flow
It drains through my fingers
as though it were amber honey
into the stream
it runs under the trees
it surges against coral reefs far away
and is gone without me
then where I stand night falls
in the heaven a splash of brazen stars appears
I've forgotten what were the questions
then as he turns toward me
His eyes luminous reflecting the moon and he smiles
And whispers breathe
I understand that I am to stay and have a cup of tea

-- by Sat Hon

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Dark and Dairy (from The Hindu)

"The dairy system inflicts suffering at every stage, starting with the calving process, for milk comes from a cow or a buffalo that has calved recently. For dairy farming to be financially viable, animals are made to calve at least once a year (for cows) and once in 15 months (for buffaloes). Calves, male and female, are separated or significantly restricted from accessing their mothers three to four days after birth. This separation is traumatic for both mother and calf, but leads to a 15-30 per cent increase in milk availability for humans. Following separation, calves are mainly fed on milk substitutes and are allowed only limited suckling. The mother’s milk is instead diverted for human consumption.

Most male calves are either sent for slaughter or let loose to starve. A limited number are used for breeding. Some are used as draught animals where they are subject to castration without anaesthesia, nose-roping, whipping and hard labour until they are old and weak. At that point, they are sent for slaughter or abandoned. The economic undesirability of male cattle is evident in the gender imbalance — 64.42 per cent female and 35.57 per cent male in cattle, and 85.18 per cent female and 14.8 per cent male in buffalo. The slaughter of male calves — whether intentional or incidental — is integral to milk production.

Healthy females are kept alive for use in the dairy industry, which means a repeated cycle of impregnation, separation, painful milking, oxytocin shots and mastitis. To keep dairy animals productive, animal husbandry manuals recommend re-impregnation around 60 days after calving — a longer calving interval is uneconomical and a shorter interval reduces milk production.

Impregnation is increasingly being carried out through artificial insemination. India’s National Dairy Plan aims to use artificial insemination on at least 35 per cent of all fertile animals by the end of 2017. Artificial insemination involves extracting semen from selected bulls and forcibly placing it in restrained cows. This technology is popular because it is efficient, allows for selective breeding of high-yielding animals and reduces the need for males.

Dairy farming involves the killing of unproductive, infertile and ‘spent’ cows and buffaloes. Milk production starts to decline after three to four lactations (pregnancies). At this stage, cows and buffaloes are sold for slaughter through middlemen, or to a smaller farmer who will use them for an additional two to three lactations before selling them for slaughter or abandoning them. An infertile or unproductive animal shares the same fate, only much earlier. India’s world-beating output of 132.4 million tonnes of milk in 2012-13 would not have been possible if cattle and buffalo were taken care of for the entirety of their natural life-spans.

Dairy cattle have a terrible choice: life can be nasty, brutish and short, if you are male; or nasty, brutish and longer, if you are female. Beef is an inevitable consequence of dairy. The data bear out this hypothesis. Figures provided by the National Dairy Development Board show that the monetary value of milk production almost tripled between 2004-05 and 2011-12. So did the monetary value of beef production. There was a 98.6 per cent match between milk and beef production over this period.

Both qualitatively and quantitatively, a milch cow or buffalo has a worse life than an animal bred solely for meat. Why, then, do we believe dairy to be better than beef?

Part of the explanation lies in psychology. Meat is obviously linked to the death of a fellow- creature. The impacts of dairy are easily veiled in narratives about ‘surplus milk’ and the Indian veneration of the cow. Of course, buffaloes that provide more than half the milk we consume as a nation don’t figure in these debates.

Neither do the environmental consequences of dairy farming, whether pollution caused by runoffs, greenhouse gas emissions, or high water footprints.

Ultimately, Indian vegetarianism is about us rather than the vulnerable creatures we claim to care for. We may prefer to turn our eyes away from the connection between our individual acts of drinking our filter coffee or morning chai, and the cow or buffalo that produced the milk.

The logic, however, is clear: drinking milk causes as much suffering as eating meat, if not more. Indeed, milk involves more cruelty than meat does."

#Reverence4Life #Veganism #MindfulConsumption

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Sitting In The Autumn Breeze (2007)

Dear friends,

The Buddha taught: “Dear friends, we have to practice eating in such a way that we can retain compassion in our hearts. We have to eat in mindfulness. If not, we may be eating the flesh of our own children.”

UNESCO reported that each day about 40,000 children die because of hunger or lack of nutrition. Meanwhile, corn and wheat are largely grown to feed livestock (cows, pigs, chickens, etc.) or to produce alcohol. Over 80 percent of corn and over 95 percent of oats produced in the United States are for feeding livestock. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equivalent to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people, more than the entire human population on earth.

Eating meat and drinking alcohol with mindfulness, we will realize that we are eating the flesh of our own children.

In 2005, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) began an in-depth assessment of the various significant impacts of the world’s livestock sector on the environment. Its report, titled Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options, was released on November 29th 2006. Henning Steinfeld, chief of FAO’s Livestock Information and Policy Branch and senior of the report, in the executive summary, asserts that:

“The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. The findings of this report suggest that it should be a major policy when dealing with problems of land degradation, climate change, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution and loss of biodiversity. Livestock’s contribution to environmental problems is on a massive scale and its potential contribution to their solution is equally large. The impact is so significant that it needs to be addressed with urgency” (page XX).

Land degradation:
Presently, livestock production accounts for 70 percent of all agriculture land and 30 percent of the land surface of the planet. Forests are cleared to create new pastures, and it is a major driver of deforestation. For example, in Latin America some 70 percent of former forests in the

Amazon have been turned over to grazing (page XXI). From these figures, we can see that the livestock business has destroyed hundreds of millions acres of forest all over the world to grow crops and to create pastureland for farm animals. Moreover, when the forests are destroyed, enormous amounts of carbon dioxide stored in trees are released into the atmosphere.

Climate change:
The livestock sector has major impacts on the atmosphere and climate. It is responsible for “18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in carbon dioxide equivalent, which is a higher share than transport.” This means that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. The livestock sector accounts for 9 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. It also emits 37 percent of anthropogenic methane, most of that from enteric fermentation by ruminants. This is an enormous amount, because every pound of methane is twenty three times as effective as carbon dioxide is at trapping heat in our atmosphere (23 times the global warming potential [GWP] of carbon dioxide). The meat, egg, and dairy industries are also responsible for the emission of 65 percent of anthropogenic nitrous oxide, most of that from manure. Nitrous oxide is about 300 times more potent as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide (296 times the GWP of carbon dioxide). It is also responsible for about two-third (64 percent) of anthropogenic ammonia emissions, which contribute largely to acid rain and accidification of ecosystem (page XXI).

Water scarcity and water pollution:
More than half of all the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food. It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. Meanwhile, it takes only 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of grain. Livestock in the United States produce an enormous amount of animal excrement, 130 times more than human excrement; each second the animals release 97,000 pounds of feces. “Most of the water used for livestock drinking and servicing returns to the environment in the form of manure and wastewater. Livestock excreta contain a considerable amount of nutrients [nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium], drug residues, heavy metals and pathogens” (page 136). These waste products enter streams and rivers, polluting water sources and causing disease outbreaks that affect all species.

Just as the Buddha cautioned us, we are eating the flesh of our children and grandchildren. We are eating the flesh of our mothers and our fathers. We are eating our own planet earth. The Son’s Flesh Sutra needs to be available for the whole human race to learn and practice.

The U.N.’s recommendation is clear: “The environment impact per unit of livestock production must be cut by half, just to avoid increasing the level of damage beyond its present level,” (page XX). We need to reduce at least 50 percent of the meat industry products, and that means we must consume 50 percent less meat. The U.N. also reports that even if cattle-rearing is reduced by 50 percent, we still need to use new technology to help the rest of cattle-rearing create less pollution, such as choosing animal diets that can reduce enteric fermentation and consequent methane emissions, etc.

Urgent action must be taken at the individual and collective levels. As a spiritual family and a human family, we can all help avert global warming with the practice of mindful eating. Going vegetarian may be the most effective way to fight global warming.

Buddhist practitioners have practiced vegetarianism over the last 2000 years. We are vegetarian with the intention to nourish our compassion towards the animals. Now we also know that we eat vegetarian in order to protect the earth, preventing global warming [climate change] from causing her serious and irreversible damage. In the near future, as global warming [climate change] increases, all species will suffer. Millions of people will die, and sea levels will rise and flood cities and land. Many life-threatening diseases will result, and all species will suffer the consequences.

Both monastic practitioners and lay people practice vegetarianism. Even though the number of lay practitioners who are 100 percent vegetarian is not as many as monastic practitioners, but they practice eating vegetarian meals either for 4 days or 10 days each month.

Thầy believes that it is not so difficult to stop eating meat, when we know that we are saving the planet by doing so.

Lay communities should be courageous and give rise to the commitment to be vegetarian, at least 15 days each month. If we can do that, we will feel a sense of well-being. We will have peace, joy, and happiness right from the moment we make this vow and commitment. During the retreats organized in the United States this year, many American Buddhist practitioners have made the commitment to stop eating meat or to eat 50 percent less meat. This is a result of their awakening, after they have listened to the Dharma talks on the greenhouse effect. Let us take care of our Mother Earth. Let us take care of all species, including our children and grandchildren.

We only need to be vegetarian, and we can already save the earth. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action.

This December 2007, Deer Park will have 100 percent electrical power generated from solar energy for the monastery use. All of our monasteries, in the Plum Village tradition in Europe and North America, have also been practicing no car day once a week, and thousands of our friends are also practicing with us. We have begun to use less cars and to use electric cars and vege-cars (run on vegetable oil). These cars can help reduce 50 percent the amount of carbon dioxide released. Buying a Prius Toyota, which uses half gas and half electricity, we can prevent about 1 ton of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year.

However, according to the University of Chicago, “being a vegan is more effective in the fight against global warming; a vegan causes approximately 1.5 fewer tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year than a meat-eater does….You could spend more than $20,000 on a Prius and still emit 50 percent more carbon dioxide than you would if you just gave up eating meat and other animal products” (Fight Global Warming by Going Vegetarian). Do you see that, my dear spiritual family? Being vegetarian is already enough to save the world. Who amongst us has not experienced the delicious taste of vegetarian foods? Only when we are too used to eating meat we cannot see this truth.

This evening when we begin the retreat, everyone will be informed that we will not use dairy and egg products during the whole retreat. From now on, all of our retreats and, of course, all of our practice centers in Asia, Europe, and North America will be conducted like that. Thầy trusts that lay practitioners will understand and support wholeheartedly. Our present practice is to help everyone become aware of the danger of global warming, in order to help save Mother Earth and all species. We know that if there is no collective awakening, then the earth and all species will not have a chance to be saved. Our daily life has to show that we are awake.

On October 2nd 2007, at the University of San Diego, Thầy talked about the worry, fear, and despair in relationship to the danger of global warming. The number of people becoming ill due to worry, fear, and despair is increasing each day. They realize that if humans continue to live in ambition, hatred, and ignorance, then the earth and all species will not have an opportunity to escape from this danger. This realization and fear may overwhelm and paralyze many people, and there will be those of us who die from mental illness, before the danger of global warming take place fully. In the Dharma talk, Thầy offered the practice taught by the Buddha: to acknowledge and accept the truth and not run away from it.

The Buddha has taught us to practice looking directly into the seeds of fear in us, instead of trying to cover them up or running away from them. This is the practice of the five remembrances.

1) I will have to grow old.
2) I will have to get sick.
3) I will have to die.
4) One day I will have to lose the things I cherish today, and the people I love today.
5) When my body disintegrates, I cannot bring anything with me except my actions of body, speech and mind – they are the only inheritance that I can bring with me.

When we can practice accepting these truths in this way, we will have peace, and we will have the capacity to live healthy and compassionately – no longer causing suffering to ourselves and to others. When people with cancer or AIDS are first diagnosed and told that they only have 3 months or half a year to live, they often react with anger, denial, and despair in the beginning. They cannot accept it. However, once they can accept the truth, they begin to have peace. When they have peace, they will have the opportunity to practice living “deeply” every moment of their daily lives. As a result, they have the chance to live longer, even 15 years more.

We have the example of sister Dam Nguyen from Hanoi. She came to Plum Village one year with the intention to live with Thầy and the Sangha for a few months, then she would return to Hanoi to die. The doctor told her that she could only live 3-4 more months. When she arrived at Plum Village, sisters suggested that she went to see a doctor, but she refused to. She did not feel the need to see a doctor. She accepted her death, and she lived wholeheartedly every moment she had with the Sangha during those three months. When her visa was about to expire, she bade farewell to the Sangha. An older sister suggested she see a doctor “just to see” what had happened to her cancer. Sister Dam Nguyen agreed, in order to please that sister. The doctor informed her that all the metastatic sites in her body had receded to one place, and that she was doing very well. Our sister went back to Hanoi with great joy. It has been 14 years since she left Plum Village for Hanoi, and she continues to live.

The Buddha taught that all phenomena are impermanent; there is birth, then there is death. Our civilization is also like that. In the history of the earth, many civilizations have ended. If our modern civilization is destroyed, it also follows the law of impermanence. If our human race continues to live in ignorance and in the bottomless pit of greed as at present, then the destruction of this civilization is not very far away. We have to accept this truth, just like we accept our own death. Once we can accept it, we will not react with anger, denial, and despair anymore. We will have peace. Once we have peace, we will know how to live so that the earth has a future; so that we can come together in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood and apply the modern technology available to us, in order to save our beloved green planet. If not, we will die from mental anguish, before our civilization actually terminates.

Our mother, The Earth, the green planet has suffered from her children’s violent and ignorant ways of consuming. We have destroyed our Mother Earth like a type of bacterium or virus destroying the human body, because Mother Earth is also a body. Of course, there are bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. Trillions of these bacteria are present in us, especially in our digestive systems (known as intestinal normal flora). They protect the body and help generate enzymes necessary to us. Similarly, the human species can also be a living organism that has the capacity to protect the body of Mother Earth, if the human species wakes up and knows to live with responsibility, compassion and loving kindness. Buddhism came to life, so that we learn to live with responsibility and compassion and loving kindness. We have to see that we inter-are with our Mother Earth, that we live with her and die with her.

Mother Earth has gone through re-birth many times. After the great flood caused by global warming takes place, perhaps only a very small portion of the human race will survive. The earth will need over a million years to recuperate and put on a new whole, beautiful green coat, and another human civilization will begin. That civilization will be the continuation of our civilization. To the human species, one million years is a very long time, but to the earth and in geological time, one million years is nothing at all; it is only a short period of time. Ultimately, all birth and death are only superficial phenomena. No-birth and no-death are the true nature of all things.

With love and trust,
Thich Nhat Hanh (Thầy)

Friday, 24 October 2014

Dipānkarā and her Deepāvali

Diwali is short for Deepāvali, which means a row of lamps. The one who lights the lamp is Dipānkar (mas.) or Dipānkarā (fem.). The practice of lighting lamps is an invitation to live the present moment joyfully. Light signifies mindfulness. Lighting lamps on Diwali signifies that we are mindful and willing to share our joy with others.

Dipānkarā lights five diyas (lamps) of mindfulness on each of the five days of Diwali.

The first day is the day of protecting life. It is the day of Ayurveda, the health science. According to the Sankhya School, what we consume can be divided into three categories - sātvik, rājasik and tāmasik. Rājasik foods are those which likely foster worldly desires like meat, onions etc. Tāmasik foods like garlic foster laziness. Sātvik foods like spinach, fruits, rice, wheat etc. are good for health. Protecting life also means consuming only vegan food. We also feed animals on this day.

The second day symbolizes the end of exploitation. On this day we share what we have with others practicing true happiness. We buy things for the poor.

The third day is dedicated to mothers. Mothers practice true love. Their love for their children is unconditional. Children give gifts to their mothers on this day.

The fourth day is the day of the wives. Married men practice mindful communication by letting their wives know of their unwavering commitment. They also buy gifts for their wives.

The fifth day is the day of brotherhood and sisterhood. Men go to their sisters' homes and practice mindful consumption. Brothers get gifts for their sisters on this day.

In Nepal, the women feed the crows on the first day, dogs on the second day, cows on the third day, oxen on the fourth day and their brothers on the fifth day. It is very important to have a sister or you might end up without food on their fifth day of Diwali (Tihar, in Nepal).

While lighting the lamps, Dipānkarā is aware of the relative nature of reality and knows that she must live mindfully. She is aware that through mindfulness she can help manifest joy.

Once upon a time a young man was very keen on becoming a statesman. In his country the King had established a selection procedure to hire state officials. So he applied but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. Disappointed he began on his return journey from the capital to his home. His home was far away and after walking for a long time he became very tired and hungry. He stopped by a hermitage where an old hermit woman was preparing lentil soup. He told her that he was hungry. The old hermit woman told him that food would be ready soon and that he could rest for a while if he wanted to. The young man, tired as he was, fell asleep under a peepal tree.

He experienced a strange dream. He dreamt that he was selected to be a statesman. The King was very happy with the way he answered questions and conducted himself. He made the young man the Minister of Defense and also his son-in-law. This kingdom was not very powerful. The neighboring kingdom was aggressive and always looking to acquire their territory. The young man made mistakes and the neighboring kingdom capitalized on his mistakes by extending their territorial gains. The King became very upset and the young man lost his job. The King appointed a new Minister of Defense. The young man's personal life was also in disarray. He was sad and miserable.

Suddenly, he woke up. The food was ready but he was no longer hungry. He was asleep for barely fifteen minutes but it seemed like many years.

Time is relative and our experiences are just like the perceptions in a dream. Any material acquisitions in a dream are illusory, what remains when we wake up is the mind, the consciousness. The truly rich is not one who has more material resources but one who has fewer needs. He is more content. So we must think very carefully if we really want to chase material desire. Do we really want to marry a princess and become the Minister of Defense? We should think if money, sexual activity, fame, power etc. can truly make us happy.

Aware of this Dipānkarā trains her mind to live in the here and the now. She lights her lamps not as an offering to Gods or Buddhas but as a mindful activity. Like the mindfulness bell, lighting a lamp too can bring the mind and the body together.

We may spend a lot of money building temples and decorating altars but that is of no use because Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Gods and Goddesses are not to be found in temples. They are in us, waiting to manifest and will manifest if we create the right conditions. We can create the right conditions by practicing the five mindfulness trainings.

We can light the five lamps not just on Diwali but everyday - reverence for life, true happiness, true love, mindful communication and mindful consumption. Wish you a mindful Diwali!

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #विज्ञप्तिमात्र #Veganism #Vijñaptimātra #TrueLove #MindfulConsumption #Reverence4Life #TrueHappiness #MindfulCommunication #Diwali #VijñaptimātraDiwali #Deepavali

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Wish You A Mindful Diwali

A Mindful Diwali Is A Happy Diwali.

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #Diwali #Vijñaptimātra #विज्ञप्तिमात्र

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

500 Afghan Women Are Transforming Their World

I am delighted to report that five hundred Afghan women have successfully managed to create a space for themselves in Afghanistan's male dominated agro industry. Two years ago, these women, along with Global Partnership for Afghanistan, began working on a strawberry farming project in search of a sustainable income stream.

Providing more details, the project's Executive Director, Kate McLetchie mentioned, "The project has enabled women to corner a previously unexplored section of the agricultural market in Afghanistan. Because strawberries are a new crop, wholesalers and producers alike were able to move into a space typically dominated by men for other crops. Women wholesalers were able to make successful sales at local shops owned and operated by men. The project established women as the primary wholesalers and traders of strawberries in the three provinces where the project has operated. Networks are immensely vital to the economic success of women entrepreneurs and to this end this project has connected women producers and wholesalers to shops and retailers, creating relationships that will lead to a steady revenue stream for many years to come."

While the money will help them ensure a better lifestyle, education and healthcare for their families, these women are also learning first hand how true happiness comes from sharing.

Learn more and see if you can help our Afghan sisters - Click Here!

#5Mindfulness #TrueHappiness #GoodCitizens #GlobalGiving #GlobalPartnershipForAfghanistan #AfghanWomen #Afghanistan

Monday, 20 October 2014

1200 Employees Get Houses, Cars And Jewelry As Bonus

An Indian diamond jewelry export firm, Hari Krishna Exports, has rewarded 1200 employees with two-bedroom houses, Fiat Punto cars and jewelry as a part of their performance linked loyalty bonus plan.

"This is part of our rewards for loyalty program for employees who have shown high degree of performance in the past five years," Savji Dholakia, chairman and managing director of Hari Krishna Exports told reporters.

"Only 1,200 employees qualified for the rewards", said Dholakia, "the gift items were given based on the current needs of the employees. The employees who did not own a house were given the first preference for house. Those who owned a house were eligible for a car while the employees who had both a house and a car were given jewelry."

Hari Krishna Exports has a turnover of a little over $800 million and employs 6000 workers.

I am hoping that more companies follow suit to help improve the lifestyle of their employees. A good entrepreneur is not driven by greed but by the unselfish motivation of contributing to society in a manner that reduces economic inequalities. They don't need to make it to the Forbes list of billionaires.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Eating Mindfully To Heal Our Planet

Looking deeply at the way we eat from a global perspective, we can see that meat production is a huge drain on the planet. The United Nations' report Livestock’s Long Shadow, an in-depth assessment of the damaging impact of livestock on our environment, concluded that livestock’s negative effect on our environment is massive and that we need to address it with urgency. The report estimates that raising livestock uses 8 percent of our planet’s water and contributes strongly to water depletion and pollution. Some scientists have estimated that it takes one hundred times as much water to produce a kilogram of beef as it does to produce a kilogram of protein from grain. Part of the reason that so much water is needed to produce livestock is that cattle are fattened on vast amounts of grain, which requires water to grow. In the United States, cattle consume seven times as much grain as the U.S. population as a whole. An Environmental Protection Agency report on U.S. agricultural crop production in 2000 states that, according to the National Corn Growers Association, about 80 percent of all corn grown in the United States is consumed by domestic and overseas livestock, poultry, and fish production. Yet, ironically, more than nine thousand children die each day from causes related to hunger and undernutrition. It is a painful realization that the grain and resources we use to raise livestock could be used more directly instead to feed the starving and malnourished children in the world.

Furthermore, a 2008 report by the Pew Charitable Trust and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that factory farming in the United States is taking a heavy toll on human health and the health of the environment—and that keeping livestock in these “concentrated animal feeding operations” constitutes inhumane treatment. Animal waste pollutes the water and air around the farms, causing illness among farmworkers and farm neighbors, as well as land degradation. Heavy use of antibiotics in factory farming leads to new strains of viruses and bacteria resistant to antibiotics, creating “superbugs” that may pose a public health threat to us all. In the report, the experts recommended phasing out and banning the use of antibiotics in farm animals except for the treatment of disease, instituting tighter regulation of factory farm waste, and phasing out intensive confinement systems.

The devastating environmental and societal impact of raising livestock goes beyond the use of water and land to grow food. Our society’s hunger for meat contributes mightily to the production of climate-changing greenhouse gases. The livestock industry is responsible for 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a higher share than the entire transportation sector. Seventy percent of forests in the Amazon have been cut to provide grazing land for cattle, and when such forests are destroyed, enormous amounts of carbon dioxide stored in trees are released into the atmosphere. The meat, dairy, and egg industries are also responsible for two-thirds of human-induced emissions of ammonia, which in turn plays a role in acid rain and the acidification of our ecosystem.

The data suggest that one of the best ways to alleviate the stress on our environment is to consume less meat and eat more plant based food, which results in reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. We do not need cattle to process the food for us. It is much better and more efficient for us to eat more plant-based food and process it ourselves. It may seem like a huge change for many people, but reducing the amount of meat and dairy in your diet is a great way to keep your weight in check, improve your overall health, and take steps toward improving the health of our planet. When we learn to eat more vegetables, grains, and beans mindfully, we will enjoy their taste, and we can be happy knowing that we are supporting a new kind of society in which there is enough food for everyone and no one will have to suffer from hunger.

We must take urgent action at the individual and collective levels. For individuals, going towards vegetarianism can have great weight and health benefits. Vegans and vegetarians tend to weigh less than people who consume animal products; they also tend to have lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Although this practice is primarily based on the wish to nourish compassion toward animals, it also offers many health benefits. Now we also know that when we eat vegetarian, we protect the earth and help reduce the greenhouse effect that is causing her serious and irreversible damage. Even if you cannot be 100 percent vegetarian, being a part-time vegetarian and consuming a more plant-based diet is already better for your own health as well as the health of our shared planet. You may want to start by eating vegetarian for a few days a month, or you can eat vegetarian only for breakfast and lunch every day. This way, you are already more than half vegetarian. If you feel that you cannot eliminate animal products from your diet for even one meal, simply reducing the portion of meat and eliminating processed meats like bacon, sausages, and ham can lower your risk of colon cancer and your risk of dying an early death from heart disease, cancer, or other causes. This is a good first step to adopting a more plant-based, healthful, environmentally friendly diet.

Using mindfulness to look deeply at what you eat can make it much easier to make such changes, because you realize the benefits they can bring to the planet and yourself—lower weight, lower risk of colon cancer and heart disease, and more energy for doing the things you enjoy. We are “interbeings”: we and our environment are interdependent. And even small changes on our part can have a large impact when combined with others. Our market economy is driven primarily by consumer demand. As a population, if a large number of people make even small moves to eat less meat and more plant-based foods, the livestock industry will shrink. Over time, farmers will find other crops to support their livelihoods. Through such collective awakening we can make a difference in our world.

- Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung (from the book "Savor - Mindful Eating, Mindful Life").

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #विज्ञप्तिमात्र #HowToEat #Veganism #Vijñaptimātra #TrueLove #MindfulConsumption #Reverence4Life #LilianCheung #VeganAngels

Friday, 17 October 2014

Lawsky, Warren closing in on the scavengers of Wall Street

Make no mistakes about this, in Ocwen, the regulators are taking on the ringleaders of the 1% and for once it looks like Wall Street are running for cover.

Benjamin Lawsky and his outstanding team at the DFS, NY have Ocwen in a bind. After careful research, DFS have highlighted various problems with Ocwen's processes that pushed borrowers into foreclosure. The DFS have also highlighted conflict of interest in Ocwen's relationship with Altisource.

To understand what the borrowers have been up against in Ocwen, I am quoting a case from the New York Post:
"Eartha Smith, 75, a former fire department nurse who retired on disability, tried to get a modification on her $131,000 home loan in 2009, according to her lawyer, Peter Gleason.
Gleason received a letter from Ocwen on either Jan. 18 or 19, 2010, demanding financial information, pay stubs, bank statements and tax forms in order to modify the terms of Smith’s mortgage, he told The Post.
But the letter — which Ocwen said should be returned “as quickly as possible”— was dated Aug. 29, 2009, according to a copy of the letter provided to The Post. That’s about five months before he received it, according to Gleason.
“They put us through hell,” Eartha’s daughter, Evette, told The Post. “She’s a senior — she can’t get a modification to own her own home.”
Evette, who has power of attorney for her mother, took a leave of absence from school to help her mother fight Ocwen.
Ocwen sent thousands of letters to clients denying them a loan modification and giving them 30 days to appeal, Lawsky’s office said. Those letters were backdated more than 30 days, making it impossible for homeowners to modify their mortgages and increasing the likelihood of default.
“Ocwen’s indifference to such a serious matter demonstrates a troubling corporate culture that disregards the needs of struggling borrowers,” Lawsky said.
The Smiths have made 16 appearances at Brooklyn Supreme Court since 2009, and are still fighting the company to get the interest rate on their home loan lowered to 4 percent from 6.75 percent.
“They’re playing games,” Gleason said. “If you miss a deadline in this madness, they turn around and say that defendant failed to respond, move toward a summary judgment, and move toward eviction.”"

The Scavengers Of Wall Street

One day I received a call from a woman. She was trying to reach someone from my team at Altisource to check the progress of her "deed-in-lieu of foreclosure" request. When a borrower for some reason cannot be offered a loan modification and no short sale offer has been approved by the loan servicer, the homeowner can sign a deed transferring the ownership to the lender/investor and walk away hoping the lender does not pursue a deficiency judgment. However, there is one catch - a deed-in-lieu does not wipe out encumbrances like junior liens unlike a foreclosure so lenders prefer to foreclose on the loan unless the title to the property is clear.

I looked up the title report and found an HOA lien. I asked her if she would pay if I could negotiate a reduced settlement amount with the HOA. Her answer made me wish I hadn't asked. She said she was pregnant and left alone to deal with her fate. The HOA had, in the past, garnished her wages and she had no savings left to settle the HOA dues. She was poor but she was brave. You have to be brave to deal with a situation where you are about to lose your home. You don't know where you'll be living next. Perhaps under a bridge. Even if you somehow try to get back on your feet, you'll have judgments to deal with. There she was, this brave woman, not only about to face this ordeal all by herself but also about to bring a baby into a world where almost everything is linked to money and that was the one thing she lacked.

We were able to get the HOA to waive off 85% of the dues and Altisource to pay the remaining 15%. Altisource agreed to pay because it was less than what they would have had to pay to the HOA post foreclosure. She thanked us and walked away into an uncertain future, handing her home on a plate to Altisource Residential, L. P. (ARLP Trust).

You may think that deeds-in-lieu and foreclosures are means through which a lender recovers part of the money it has advanced. However, I knew something that many people didn't. Altisource had just managed to acquire her home for a lot less than what it was worth. It was not loss mitigation. It was a very profitable deal. Welcome to the worst side of the financial world. Allow me to introduce the scavengers of Wall Street.

The Men Behind Ocwen and Altisource

William Erbey identified in the 80's that there was a segment of borrowers who were more likely to default than others. They were low income homeowners who were barely able to make their monthly repayments. William Erbey created ways, utilizing deliberately-flawed technology and other means, to push these borrowers into foreclosure and sell the foreclosed homes. When questions were raised about the software Ocwen used and how Ocwen were offering employees incentives to push borrowers into foreclosure (ex. Ron Davis' testimony in Sealy Davis vs Ocwen), he spun off the technology and real estate businesses into a new company, Altisource, and located it in Luxembourg.

Wilbur Ross is a member of and has served as the 'Grand Swipe' (ringleader) of the notorious Wall Street secret society 'Kappa Beta Phi'. Erbey purchased Homeward from Ross and immediately inducted him into Ocwen's board. They got along like a house on fire. Ross was a 'scavenger among scavengers' and had many political connections. It is quite likely that Ross's connection with Blackrock's CEO Larry Fink came in handy when Blackrock threatened to sue Ocwen along with PIMCO. Wilbur Ross was rewarded for publicly backing Erbey. In July, Ocwen repurchased shares worth $72.3 million at a price significantly higher than the present market price from Wilbur Ross. No doubt Ocwen management was well aware of the investigations against them and the impact it would have on the stock's market price. Despite that, company funds were used to reward Wilbur Ross.

Leon Cooperman has been termed as the 'Pope of the 1%' and holds no less than 2,584,007 shares of Ocwen Financial Corporation as per the 13F filed on 08/14/2014. “Lawsky should be ashamed of himself,” Leon Cooperman, founder of the investment firm Omega Advisors, has said in the past on the Ocwen issue. “He’s acting as a politician to advance his personal interest, not doing his job as a regulator.”

Another key man in all this is Orin Kramer, a major fundraiser for the Obama 2012 campaign in New York. Kramer introduced Erbey to various influential Democrats like Austan Goolsbee.

The New Yorker reported in its October 2012 edition about a dinner which included Al Gore, Leon Cooperman, Orin Kramer and Antonio Villaraigosa among others, "Kramer, the hedge-fund manager and Obama fund-raiser, was quiet, but others in the room were enthusiastic. Villaraigosa gave Cooperman his direct phone number. Barry Sternlicht, the founder of the W hotel chain, and an Obama donor in 2008, said that he agreed totally with Cooperman. Scaramucci, the organizer of the dinner, told me the next day that the guests had witnessed the “activation” of a “sleeper cell” of hedge-fund managers against Obama. “That’s what you see happening in the hedge-fund community, because they now have the power, because of Citizens United, to aggregate capital into political-action committees and to influence the debate,” he said. “The President has a philosophy of disdain toward wealth creation. That’s just obvious, O.K.? We talked about it all night.” He later said, “If there’s a pope of this movement, it’s Lee Cooperman.”"

You name the bank, from Wells Fargo to Citi, from BONY to BoA and they have a relationship with Ocwen. Top dogs like the Capital Group and Vanguard have a share in the Ocwen pie.

Clinching Evidence

In his letter to Ocwen general counsel Timothy Hayes, Lawsky said an Ocwen employee had alerted a compliance executive to backdating problems about a year ago, and raised the issue again after being ignored for five months, yet the company failed to launch an appropriate investigation.

Lawsky, who runs the New York Department of Financial Services, demanded that Ocwen "fix its systems without delay."

This past June, a monitor discovered a 2012 letter, backdated 41 days, denying a loan modification. The company told the regulator over the summer it discovered the issue in April or May of 2014. It said it involved around 6,100 letters and it had changed its system to fix the problem.

"Each of these representations turned out to be false," Lawsky said in his letter.

Ocwen has faced more intense supervision from the New York regulator since February, when its proposed purchase of servicing rights on $39 billion of mortgages from Wells Fargo & Co was indefinitely halted.

Lawsky has also questioned Ocwen's business ties to affiliates, as has the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The servicer disclosed that the SEC has been looking into its restated financials as well.

The New York regulator and the SEC have been coordinating parallel probes, according to a person familiar with the matter. The person was not aware of any federal authorities looking into the backdating. Spokespeople for both agencies declined comment.

Michael Bresnick, former director of President Barack Obama's Financial Fraud Task Force, said the U.S. Department of Justice might become interested in examining whether the backdating violated federal civil fraud laws.

"A central issue will be whether this was simply an isolated mistake ... or part of a larger scheme to defraud homeowners," Bresnick said.

The CFPB, an agency started at the behest of Elizabeth Warren, is also looking into and discussing the future course of action as are the Attorneys General.

Elizabeth Warren has also written to the GAO seeking a study of the non-banking loan servicing industry and the threats posed to the consumers.

What happens next will be very closely watched. Will justice be served or will Ocwen manage to get away with another gentle slap on the wrist?

Learn more -
Kappa Beta Phi -

Cooperman's Dinner Party -

Monday, 13 October 2014

Ocwen Shareholders Pay For Erbey's Excesses

William Erbey decided to move part of his business empire to a tax haven, U.S. Virgin Islands, to evade taxes. While relocating to the tax haven, Erbey forced Ocwen to pay $6.4 million to buy his home located at 4701 Northside Dr, Atlanta, GA 30327.

Erbey had enough money to have held on to that property until a buyer emerged but he did not do so. He knew nobody will pay $6.4 million for that home.

More than two years and two price cuts later Ocwen are still trying to sell the home. For 26 months Ocwen's shareholders have been forced to pay for the mansion's maintenance, utility bills, taxes etc. The mansion is a symbol of the Ocwen Chairman's material excesses and flashy lifestyle.

Here's a link to the listing which is NOT being sold through HUBZU:

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Elizabeth Warren For President 2016

Who Will Make A Good President?

2500 years ago, sitting under the shade of a tree in the beautiful Bamboo Forest, Buddha told King Bimbisara, "When the leader of a state possesses enough understanding and love, she sees the truth about poverty, misery, and oppression. Such a person can find the means to reform the government in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor and cease the use of force against others." According to the Buddha, good leaders follow the path of virtue.

What Causes A Community To Suffer

Scarcity and discrimination cause communities to suffer. When discrimination exists based on gender, race, religion, beliefs, preferences, nationality, physical attributes etc., people suffer. When there are economic and social disparities, people suffer. If food or other necessities are scarce, people suffer. Experience of scarcity and discrimination leads to crimes and violence.

How We Become Slaves To An Economy That Exploits

Habits come from perceptions. We inherit some perceptions from family, some from friends, some are a result of experiences, some come from society, media, government etc. Corporations have helped people nurture many bad habits. They communicate with the intent to increase consumption, while in reality moderation is the better option. When we become slaves, we become helpless. By the time students graduate, they are already in debt and are willing to participate in an economy that exploits their fellow citizens to repay the education loan. Then, they borrow even more. The lender ultimately decides what happens to an "asset". People are just living a life of slavery, their future is determined by the financial system.

The Super Rich Are Protected

Let me give you an example. Ocwen's Chairman William Erbey has been around since the '80s. He has built an empire that cheats the government, makes people homeless, exploits employees, moves real estate inventory from individuals and families to investors, manipulates real estate prices and rent, reduces employment opportunities in the real estate industry by directing business towards their own real estate agency and title company and thus actively contributes to an economy of exploitation.
His friends, Orin Kramer and Wilbur Ross are major contributors to the Democratic Party. His friend Leon Cooperman funds the GOP. Austan Goolsbee, when he was chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, himself met Erbey and asked him to deliver a speech on housing at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights to discuss "the dynamics in the housing market -- what it's going to look like and how challenging it is." Eric Holder won't prosecute bankers because he has worked for them in the past and hopes to work for them again.

How To Create A Happy Nation

We must cultivate good habits - reverence for life, true happiness, true love, mindful communication and mindful consumption. It is easier if conditions are conducive. Corporations are always trying to lure or pressure us into cultivating bad habits. Corporations need to be regulated at many different levels to ensure that they are not fuelling greed and creating sufferings that arise due to addiction to material goods and consumption. Education system will need to transform completely. The focus should be on learning only that much that we can remember for a long time. Focus should be on practicing mindfulness so we can deal with anger, greed, jealousy, insecurities and other negative mental formations which cause suffering. If corporations want a different kind of an education to be imparted why shouldn't they pay for it?

Elizabeth Warren For President

We need leaders across the globe who aren't 'conditioned'. Leaders who will not give in to greed or aversion. Who will be mindful enough to see how one thing impacts another. Leaders of states who are willing to initiate changes that will ultimately transform greed and helplessness into love and hope. That leadership can only come from those who have already understood how the economy is exploiting humans, animals and nature.

This is why Elizabeth Warren should be President!

(I have emailed her through her senate webpage and suggest that others too email her requesting her to take up the challenge of bringing about real transformation in society by running for President.)

Friday, 10 October 2014

Celebrating Continuation Day - October 11

We are in each other. You are in me and I am in you. It has always been like this. There never was a beginning, and never will there be an end. This is something that will not change. Together, we will ride the tides of birth and death joyfully, knowing that we can never part. On the 11th day of October we complete one more year of continued existence.

What is Continuation Day?

Nothing is born and nothing dies. We only continue to exist. You may find a date of birth on your birth certificate but you existed on the previous day as well and the day before. You were in your mother's womb. In fact, there never was a time when you did not exist, and there never will be a time when you will not exist. Since we are never born, there is a continuity with no beginning and no end. Each day we continue to exist. Each day is a continuation day. Since, Thich Nhat Hanh observed this and shared his observation with us, we call his 'birthday', October 11, 'Continuation Day'.

A Cloud Never Dies

A cloud is never born and it never dies. It is never created and it cannot be annihilated. A cloud transforms into water, ice and steam and back. It never becomes nothing. Ask a cloud when is its birthday and it will tell you that it was never born. And, it will never die. It is the same for everything.


Vijñaptimātra (pronounced Vig-yup-ti-maatr) is a Sanskrit word which has two meanings - 'Manifestation Only' and 'Perception Only'. We always manifest in some or other form. When conditions are right, we can perceive each other. As humans we have cultivated the habit of perceiving through our five senses. So we think something exists when we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste an object. All our experiences are vijñaptimātra (perception-only). All existence is vijñaptimātra (manifestation-only).

Who is Thich Nhat Hanh?

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddha. A Buddha is one who is aware of what is happening around him. He has awakened to reality and knows that all conditions for happiness are present, always.

When do we suffer?

We suffer when we are separated from our loved ones or from conditions that can make us happy. If we want something and we don't have it, we suffer.

Why do we suffer?

As humans and animals we suffer due to ignorance. All of existence is vijñaptimātra (manifestation-only) and all our experiences are vijñaptimātra (perception-only). Our idea of reality is like a magician's illusion created by our mind with inputs from the five senses. We are caught in concepts like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. All these concepts arise due to the way our mind interprets the inputs received from the five senses. Unfortunately we are never satisfied. Marrying a 3D projection is not the same as marrying a real person. A 3D projection stops manifesting when the projector is switched off or when we take off our glasses. It is a conditioned manifestation. Unmindful of the unconditioned nature of reality we are caught in a conditioned existence.

Is it possible to end all sufferings?

It is possible to touch reality even through our five senses. For example, the five senses can perceive the cloud and can see and feel that there is no birth and death but the mind has got into a habit of interpreting things in a different manner so we think that there is birth and death and do not recognize the rain as a continuation of the cloud. It is possible that by cultivating mindfulness we can transform these deep rooted habits and end all our sufferings.

How do we end all sufferings?

First two steps that make transformation easy are openness and letting go. Openness to let unconditioned reality manifest and letting go is to let go of concepts that we have acquired like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. Concepts like these arise due to the mind misinterpreting the feed from the five senses. It is based on discrimination and causes suffering. Through mindfulness we can transform the mind's habits and eliminate all sufferings.

I am in you, you are in me

We perceive that a cloud, the sun, the soil, a mango tree are separate from each other and we act accordingly. However, that is not really the case. The mango seed transforms into a mango tree when rain, sunlight, suitable soil are present. The mango tree is a continuation of the sun, cloud, the soil and the mango seed. The sun, the soil, the cloud, the mango seed are in the mango tree. In the same manner, everything is in everything else. The universe is as much in an atom as an atom is in their universe. And just like that, I am in you and you are in me. We don't perceive this because we subscribe to a concept of what is you and what is me.

What are mindfulness trainings?

Mindfulness trainings are designed to help develop concentration which leads to the development of insight which liberates. The #5Mindfulness and #14Mindfulness trainings help transform habits that strengthen wrong perceptions and cause suffering.

How do we progress on the path?

The #5Mindfulness trainings and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh help us progress on the path. If we don't practice the #5Mindfulness trainings we can easily be mislead. The Five Mindfulness trainings protect us. Let me give you some examples. If someone tells you that you can obtain great powers by sacrificing an animal to a certain God, you may end up doing so unless you have understood and are practicing the Five Mindfulness trainings which includes veganism. Some may say you can be happy by consuming alcohol and you may end up becoming an alcoholic. Someone may say money can buy happiness and you may be tempted to exploit others. You may say things that cause your loved ones to be sad and they may distance themselves from you. Not understanding how commitment nourishes love, you may lose the person you love. However, when we practice the Five Mindfulness trainings, they protect us from such threats that are caused by greed, anger, jealousy, insecurity etc. Never let go of the five mindfulness trainings until you are enlightened.

Today is a great day to begin

Why not practice the Five Mindfulness trainings for one day, today, to begin with?

The first mindfulness training is reverence for life. You can practice this very easily. Just don't engage in or promote violence and do not consume meat. Protect life. Be mindful in your actions so you can help prevent starvation and deaths from unnatural causes.

The second mindfulness training is to practice true happiness. You can do this by not exploiting humans, animals and natural resources. Don't cheat or steal or evade taxes, don't consume or promote what comes from animals (like milk, leather, fur, wool etc.). Do not look to profit from others' miseries. Share what you have with others. This mindfulness training battles greed and strengthens generosity and compassion.

The third mindfulness training is to practice true love. True love is based on commitment and understanding. Understanding that we are in each other, we can truly love each other. This understanding strengthens the love in us. We are able to love all humans, animals and nature. Then we stop hurting others. We no longer give in to malicious intent. We do not abandon our loved ones, humans, animals etc. for the sake of power or wealth.

The fourth mindfulness training is to practice mindful communication. Mindful communication brings hope to others and ourselves. We must communicate in a manner that does not cause separation or strengthen wrong concepts like birth and death, coming and going, after and before, same and different etc. This training helps us remove hurt and discrimination.

The fifth mindfulness training is mindful consumption. We must not consume what is harmful to our mind, body, other living beings and nature. This includes food, drinks, communication, data etc. Don't smoke or consume alcohol or material that is not in accordance with the five mindfulness trainings. For example, do not follow texts or teachings that suggest men are superior to women, that some country is superior to another country, that humans are superior to animals, that one religion is superior to another etc. Such data strengthens discriminatory forces and habits that go along with those forces.

We must keep in mind that the decisions we make are largely due to circumstances. A baby has little choice as to what food is forced into her mouth. A child has little choice as to what language he will learn or which school he will study in.

What motivates someone to practice mindfulness?

When we have truly loved, we are no longer willing to surrender to the forces of conditioned existence. People can become monks and practice mindfulness as a part of their monastic curriculum. People may practice veganism thinking it is a higher moral ground or something that will make them appear compassionate. People may practice mindfulness for a better health or success at work. There may be many reasons that may motivate one to practice the five mindfulness trainings but none are stronger and more unwavering than love. All the other motivations will fall prey to obstacles that arise on the path sooner or later, only those driven by love will find their way to liberation. So bring to mind the people you love and strengthen the resolve to never part with them. That in turn strengthens the resolve to practice the mindfulness trainings and helps us progress on the path.

Begin today! Happy Continuation Day!

(The author, Saurabh Singh, is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh.)

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #विज्ञप्तिमात्र #HowToEat #Veganism #Vijñaptimātra #TrueLove #MindfulConsumption #Reverence4Life #TrueHappiness #MindfulCommunication #HappyContinuation

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Choosing What To Eat

Our way of eating and producing food can be very violent, to other species, to our own bodies, and to the Earth. Or our way of growing, distributing, and eating food can be part of creating a larger healing. We get to choose. The planet suffers deeply because of the way many of us eat now. Forests are razed to grow grain to feed livestock, and the way the animals are raised pollutes our water and air. A lot of grain and water is also used to make alcohol. Tens of thousands of children die of starvation and malnutrition every day, even though our Earth has the ability to feed us all.

With each meal, we make choices that help or harm the planet. “What shall I eat today?” is a very deep question. You might want to ask yourself that question every morning. You may find that as you practice mindful eating and begin to look deeply at what you eat and drink, your desire for certain foods may change. Your happiness and that of the Earth are intertwined.

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations proposed that the meat industry be reduced by at least 50 percent in order to save our planet. The simple act of becoming vegetarian can make a difference in the health of our planet. If you’re not able to entirely stop eating meat, you can still decide to make an effort to cut back. By cutting meat out of your diet even five or ten days a month, you’re already helping. Try to reduce your consumption by at least 50 percent. This begins to nourish your compassion. If you know that you’re living in a way that makes a future possible for your planet, you’ll have joy.

Our food comes from this beautiful planet. The Earth is inside of us, in each morsel of food, in the air we breathe, in the water that we drink and that flows through us. Enjoy being part of the Earth and eat in such a way that allows you to be aware that each bite is deepening your connection to the planet.

May we keep our compassion alive by eating in such a way that reduces the suffering of living beings, stops contributing to climate change, and heals and preserves our precious planet.

- Thich Nhat Hanh, from the book "How To Eat".

#ThichNhatHanh #5Mindfulness #विज्ञप्तिमात्र #HowToEat #Veganism #Vijñaptimātra #TrueLove #MindfulConsumption #Reverence4Life

Friday, 3 October 2014

Corporations like Altisource are driving up rents

Rental rates increased 1% during the third quarter to an average of $1,111 a month nationwide, according to Reis Inc., a real-estate research firm that collects data on 79 U.S. metropolitan areas. That was up 3.3% from the same quarter a year ago. Last quarter's 1% increase was faster than the second quarter's 0.9% rise.

Apartment rents have risen nationally for 23 straight quarters and are 15.2% higher than they were at the end of the recession in 2009. The figures suggest the five-year squeeze on renters shows little sign of easing.

Public servants like policemen, school teachers, firefighters may no longer be able to rent a home in your city. This is very concerning.

One of the primary reasons for rising rents is lower supply. Companies like Altisource are buying mortgages with an intent to acquire the property. They intend to renovate and offer these properties as luxury rental homes at unaffordable prices. They have also been steadily diverting homes to rental property management firms and investors through their website sell a large number of properties to real estate investors. They discourage individuals and families from acquiring homes by refusing to consider loan offers, by denying contingency period and by rigging auctions on their website.

Altisource and its partner in crime Ocwen sit on huge real estate inventories for a prolonged period. A careful study revealed that take a very long time to sell properties. They prepare inaccurate reports for their clients indicating otherwise. They use this time to pay themselves various fees. Finally, they sell the homes to real estate investors who intend to rent the properties out.

An average Ocwen-Altisource employee cannot afford to rent an Altisource home unless they earn 'incentives' which are paid by the company to employees who help exploit homeowner interests. That says it all. If you are not willing to participate in an economy that exploits others, then you have no place in the world that Ocwen Chairman William Erbey and his bankster friends are trying to create. You will be pushed out of your home through trickery. You will be paid poorly and you will not be able to make ends meet unless you participate in William Erbey's grand economy of exploitation.

In such a world, nobody will act against antisocial organizations like Ocwen. They will rule. Governance will be incorporated and outsourced to individuals brainwashed through a corporate sponsored education system.

It is time for HUD to ban Ocwen, Altisource and all other entities associated with William Erbey from acquiring as well as servicing loans that are auctioned by HUD.

It is also necessary to immediately arrest William Erbey, Ronald Faris and William Shepro along with their bankster friends.

Please follow the link and ask President Obama to appoint an Attorney General who will jail bankers!

Please fill in your details, select Justice Department and copy paste the below mentioned text on to the comment box:

"Honorable President Obama,

I am requesting you to appoint an Attorney General who is willing and able to jail bankers and foreclosure kingpins like William Erbey, Ronald Faris and William Shepro.

Banks and lenders carried through fraud to every level of the mortgage process. They committed origination fraud through faulty appraisals and undisclosed trickery.

They committed servicing fraud through illegal fees and unnecessary foreclosures.

They committed securities fraud by failing to inform investors of the poor underwriting on loans they packaged into securities.

They committed mass document fraud when they failed to follow the steps to create mortgage-backed securities, covering up with fabrications and forgeries to prove the standing to foreclose.

Justice has not been served yet. Over five million victims are waiting to see bankers and loan servicers in prison."

Thursday, 2 October 2014

The Underground Girls Of Kabul

"Several years ago, Swedish journalist Jenny Nordberg was researching a piece on Afghan women when a comment by a 10-year-old put her on the trail of a different story. “Our brother is really a girl,” the child said. Nordberg initially assumed it was a misunderstanding or a joke, but the girl’s mother, parliamentarian Azita, confirmed it. Azita has four daughters, not three daughters and a son as she presents to the world; her 6-year-old, Manoush at birth, became Mehran. With hair cut short and dressed in pants, Mehran enjoys more freedom than her sisters: She can leave the house, look men in the eye, speak freely without fear. As her mother puts it, “I wanted to show [her] what life is like on the other side.” Astonished, Nordberg sets out to discover whether other girls like Manoush/Mehran exist, and she finds many. She details their lives in “The Underground Girls of Kabul.”

Despite the overthrow of the Taliban and years of Western influence, Afghanistan remains a male-dominated culture, especially in poor, rural areas. When a woman gives birth only to daughters, sometimes families resort to Azita’s tactic — dressing a girl as a boy, usually “turning her back” when puberty hits. For Azita, having a son was necessary for her to be taken more seriously as a politician; for other parents, a son is required to provide income, to protect the honor of daughters, even as sympathetic magic to cause the subsequent birth of a boy — a folk belief that may predate Islam." - Star Tribune

"'I was astonished, and didn’t quite believe them at first,' she remembers. 'But it was true.'

Intrigued, she began searching for more bacha posh and soon discovered that the phenomenon of families with sons who were actually daughters was more common than she realised.

'These girls are brought up as boys by their parents for several reasons but at the core of it is that in Afghanistan, only boys count.

'In a deeply patriarchal society, where only men inherit property and can support their families by working, a family without sons is seen as weak, incomplete and the parents are pitied.

'So as strange as it may seem at first, it’s a way for people to get around that injustice, and it’s not uncommon for a family with only daughters to just dress a daughter as a boy, and present her as such to the outside world.'

Families who do turn their girls into boys benefit from higher status and are also allowed to send their bacha posh out on errands - something that no girl is allowed to do.

'In Afghan society, a boy can roam around freely, play outside, ride a bike and hang out with other boys and adult men,' explains Nordberg.

'A girl is much more sheltered and restricted at all times. The bacha posh get to see more of the sky and what life on the side of privilege and rights is like. It can also mean a chance of going to school, in areas where it may be more difficult for girls to do so.'

But while the bacha posh enjoy more freedom during their time spent as boys, the transition back to female life can prove almost unbearable.

'The bacha posh are expected by society to revert back to being girls, and young women, around the time of puberty,' explains Nordberg.

'That is when the small window of freedom closes, and a girls is put in a headscarf and a skirt, to prepare for marriage to a man of her parents’ choice.'

Among those to find it impossible is Zahra, a 15-year-old who appears in the book, and who says she never wants to go back and be a woman in Afghanistan.

Others, such as Shukria Siddiqui, a 36-year-old mother of three, make the transition. More still, Nordberg's friends Nader and Shahed among them, never make the switch and continue to live disguised as men.

Nordberg is clearly heartbroken for them. 'I think it’s upsetting that this practice needs to exist to this day,' she says, passionately.

'To disguise yourself as a boy or a man is something that women have done throughout history when they have been denied basic human rights, such as the right to an education, or the right to choose when and if she gets pregnant.

'These girls are not so much a gender story but a symptom of an extremely dysfunctional society that inevitably has to change.'"
- Daily Mail.

Wanted - William Erbey

Over five million victims are still waiting for justice to be served!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Demand an Attorney General who will jail the bankers!

Please follow the link and ask President Obama to appoint an Attorney General who will jail bankers!

Please fill in your details, select Justice Department and copy paste the below mentioned text on to the comment box:

"Honorable President Obama,

I am requesting you to appoint an Attorney General who is willing and able to jail bankers and foreclosure kingpins like William Erbey, Ronald Faris and William Shepro.

Banks and lenders carried through fraud to every level of the mortgage process. They committed origination fraud through faulty appraisals and undisclosed trickery.

They committed servicing fraud through illegal fees and unnecessary foreclosures.

They committed securities fraud by failing to inform investors of the poor underwriting on loans they packaged into securities.

They committed mass document fraud when they failed to follow the steps to create mortgage-backed securities, covering up with fabrications and forgeries to prove the standing to foreclose.

Justice has not been served yet. Over five million victims are waiting to see bankers and loan servicers in prison."

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra

The NY Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor big banks. But when Carmen Segarra was hired, what she witnessed inside the Fed was so alarming that she got a tiny recorder and started secretly taping.

You can now listen to these recordings and hear for yourself how the system is rigged against you!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has demanded that the Congress immediately investigate this. It is time to put some bankers in prison along with Erbey, Faris and Shepro. It is time to stop exploiting innocent, unsuspecting individuals.

Banks received bailout from the Fed and went on to use that money to increase their profits and fuel a foreclosure economy for companies like Ocwen and Altisource to thrive, who in turn willingly and desperately pushed people out of their homes and ruined their credit history. Today, home ownership is at its lowest and bank and loan servicer revenues at their highest! Who got bailed out and who got sold out?

#GoldmanSachs #CarmenSegarra #ElizabethWarren #Ocwen #Altisource

Friday, 26 September 2014

Incline your mind towards kindness

What is Veganism?

Veganism is the practice of respecting the right of all sentient beings to be free. Vegans practice living in a manner that they do not end up using other sentient beings as resources like food or slaves and avoid exploiting their body and mind.

Thus, vegans do not consume milk or meat or butter or cheese or eggs. They do not use leather or animal-tested cosmetics or anything that comes from an animal or that might have jeopardized an animal's welfare, health or freedom. They practice living in this manner to the extent possible.

When we practice veganism we are promoting compassion and freedom, which are necessary conditions for happiness.

Why do we eat plant based food?

We eat food that comes from plants like potatoes, rice, wheat, fruits etc. because these vegetables and fruits do not have a central nervous system which is needed to experience pain and joy. Plants are living and conscious but do not have a central nervous system either. Eating a leaf or a fruit or a seed does not cause pain to the plant. Animals have a central nervous system and can experience pain. Plant based food is also healthier.

Why do we not consume animal milk?

Animals, like cows, produce milk after childbirth. It is meant for the calf. However, these days cows are viewed as a milk producing resource. They are repeatedly impregnated, so they give birth and produce milk. The calf is separated from the mother cow and her milk is stolen by humans and the dairy industry. The mother cow bellows in pain for days and loses her faith in humanity.

Why do we not use leather and other animal derived products?

Leather, wool, silk etc. come from animals. When animals are killed or enslaved by the modern economy, they suffer just like we do. We do not wish to promote suffering. We believe that all beings have a right to be free. They should not be used as resources. They don't have to die so we can get a silk saree or a leather handbag. The true sign of a beautiful woman is compassion, not her saree or handbag.

Are there alternatives to animal derived products?

Yes, we easily get soya milk in the stores. We can also easily prepare cashew milk and almond milk ourselves. We can easily find tofu paneer in the stores. We can use leather alternatives like micro-leather and similarly alternatives to wool and silk are easily available. An American company Beyond Meat sells plant based products that taste just like real meat. Replace ghee with healthier alternatives like olive oil or canola oil. Use peanut butter instead of animal derived butter.

(The author, Saurabh Singh, is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh.)